Font utility for mac system 0.12.3
Font utility for mac system 0.12.3

font utility for mac system 0.12.3

Let’s explore a little more on the basic API calls that can be used to pre-process the input text. Once you have finished, proceed to the next section. I am using version 0.12.3 for this tutorial. In case you have missed it, feel free to check it via the following command: pip list Once it is completed, you will be able to the the output that indicates the version number.


You can easily install this module via the following command: pip install snownlp In this tutorial, I will be using Python 3.7.1 in a virtual environment. SnowNLP supports Python 3 as stated in the official Github Link. You should have a snownlp-master folder which contains all the necessary files.

font utility for mac system 0.12.3

Once it is completed, extract the zipped files to a directory of your preference. Go to the following link and download the required files. Although this module has not been updated for quite some time, the results is good enough for most use cases. Let’s start by getting the files from an open-source modules called SnowNLP which is a Simplified Chinese Text Processing module. In this tutorial, I will be installing the modules required via pip on Windows operating system. There will be 4 sections in this tutorial: This tutorial will be based on Simplified Chinese but it can be used on Traditional Chinese as well due to the fact that SnowNLP is capable of converting Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese. Image made by a colleague from Yoozoo Gamesīy reading this article, you will be exposed to a technique for analyzing the sentiments of any text in Simplified Chinese.

Font utility for mac system 0.12.3